Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Is it Time to Switch Up Your Workout Routine?

Are you wondering if you should be changing your workout routine? Maybe you are struggling with motivation at the gym or not seeing the results that you expected. Here a six reasons that you may want to consider changing up your workout routine:


If you’re so bored at the gym that you do not feel like doing anything, it is time to modify your workout routine. You have to be dedicated to the workout, though! If you are the type of person that wants to switch it up after only 1-week, it would be in your best interest to try to motivate yourself to stick with your routine for at least a month. This will help you get the results you desire.

If you have been doing the same routine for months and it is just not motivating or energizing you anymore, it is time to switch up the routine! Try changing your form of cardio or switching one of your strengthening moves to a different exercise that works the same muscles.

Not Seeing Results

Working out consistently and not seeing immediate results can be discouraging. Make sure you have realistic expectations for yourself and physical fitness. You cannot walk into a gym and leave the gym the same day with a different body. Be patient with yourself and notice the small changes!

When you have been following a consistent workout plan, and you still are not seeing the appropriate results, make sure you are using proper form, and consider consulting with a trainer. If that workout just isn’t working for you, definitely consider trying a different position and implementing it into your workout routine.


If you are injured, it is necessary to modify your workout routine. Do not just stop exercising! Let your body heal, but do it in a healthy active way, so the rest of your body does not suffer due to an isolated injury. Modify your workout routine until you are back to full physical health.


Maybe you have had a schedule change in your life, and your workout routine has to be modified to fit. That’s okay, just make sure you are getting in all the important aspects of your workout and that you are still noticing results over time.

Not Challenging

This is a big one! If you find your workout is too easy and that you can do it without thinking about it, you should definitely switch up your routine! A workout should be a challenge, it is the only way to see results. If you are not pushing yourself to a new level, reevaluate your workout routine and learn new ways to challenge yourself! It may mean increasing your distance on the treadmill, increasing resistance on the elliptical, or reaching a new level of weight during strength training. Just find what works for you!


If you are no longer feeling energized by your workout routine, you may be pushing yourself too much. A good workout should leave you feeling refreshed, not lethargic or exhausted. You may need to take a few rest days and modify your workout routine to something less strenuous. The time spent recovering is just as important as the time spent in the gym.

If you are looking for someone to guide you on your fitness journey contact me! I would love to help you live a healthier lifestyle and help you become the best version of yourself!

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