Sunday, July 12, 2015

Chia Recipes For A Filling Breakfast

Chia recipes, like this chia pudding with fruit, are a healthy breakfast
I love chia recipes on those busy days when you need a quick meal that will help you feel full. These tiny seeds are high in fiber, protein, antioxidants, and more, but with very few calories.

Chia Pudding
This chia pudding is one of my favorite chia recipes because it’s quick to make and tastes so indulgent. It only takes a few minutes of evening prep, and you’ll wake up to an amazing breakfast.
-1 cup almond milk
-¼ cup chia seeds
-Three tablespoons cacao powder
-Two (or more) tablespoons honey

Combine all of the ingredients, except for the honey, in a small mixing bowl. Once all of the ingredients are well combined, add the honey. Start with 2-3 tablespoons, adding more if you prefer a sweeter taste. Pour mixture into an airtight container, and refrigerate overnight. The seeds will absorb the liquid, resulting in a pudding-like consistency.

Other Ideas: Don’t have any cacao powder on hand? Add a little bit of vanilla extract instead. You can also use maple syrup instead of honey if you prefer. Feel free to experiment! Like many other chia recipes, this one is easy to customize. After letting the mixture sit in your fridge overnight, you can even try blending it in a blender or food processor for a smoother, more creamy consistency.

Energy Bites
These bites are one of the easiest chia recipes you can make. What busy mom doesn’t love a no-bake recipe that comes together in just a few minutes? These bites make a great morning snack, and you won’t have to turn on your oven (a definite plus during hot summer weather)!
-1 cup oats
-½ cup almond butter
-Two tablespoons dried coconut or fruit
-Two tablespoons chia seeds

Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl until well combined. Roll the mixture into bite-sized pieces. Since they don’t have to be baked, you can make them as small or large as you want. Smaller bites are a great option if you want to enjoy these as an on-the-go snack. Store your energy bites in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.

Other ideas: As with most chia recipes, this one is easy to adapt! Try using dried fruit or nuts instead of coconut, or substitute another type of nut butter instead of almond. You can take it to the next level and drizzle some melted dark chocolate over the top. Yum!

The next time you need a quick but filling breakfast, try one of these delicious chia recipes! They’re a great way to eat clean on the go but taste so indulgent even your kids will love them.

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