Sunday, June 28, 2015

Finding Motivation to Meet Your Healthy Goals

Woman finding motivation on a beach
Finding motivation might sometimes seem like a difficult task. Motivation isn’t something we can see or touch, and it’s different for everyone. Fortunately, finding motivation is so much easier than you might think!

  • It’s not one-size-fits-all. What motivates someone else might not motivate you, and that’s okay! Finding motivation is all about finding what motivates you personally. You might know someone who finds their motivation through competitive sports while you prefer a more laid-back approach. Try experimenting with a few different motivational ideas. Don’t feel discouraged if it takes a few attempts to find the right source of inspiration for you.

  • Think about what means the most to you. Finding motivation by focusing on things that matter a lot to you can help propel you toward your goals. Weight loss goals can be great for some, but they don’t work for everyone. If weight loss or appearance-based goals make you feel intimidated or discouraged, modify them! For example, instead of setting a goal to lose ten pounds, try making your goal about setting a healthy example for your children. You might find that this makes it easier for you to make healthier choices, and the weight loss will naturally follow.

  • Don’t be afraid to have fun. Just because your goals are serious doesn’t mean your workout always has to be! Try finding motivation in workouts that are fun and exciting. If hitting the gym every day makes you feel bored, mix it up by subbing in some other activities. If there’s a sport you enjoy, start a team with some friends. Or, if you draw your inspiration from nature, try going for a hike or trail run through a local park. When your workout is something that you truly enjoy and look forward to, finding motivation is much easier!

If finding motivation is sometimes a challenge for you, don’t be afraid to take a step back and re-examine your goals. Remember to be flexible, and willing to make any changes necessary to help you succeed. While it’s important to work for your goals, it’s equally important that your goals work for you. Want some help finding your workout inspiration? Get in contact with me! I can provide 1 on 1 support and motivation to help you make your fitness dreams become reality! Why not start today?

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