Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Beachbody Coach: Golden Egg Opportunity

Here is is friends the Golden Egg Opportunity that is available to all new coaches that join my team within the next 3 weeks. A SUPERSTAR DIAMOND top 10 coach opening a new business under YOU!!!

If you….
– KNOW you were meant for something greater…
– WANT to create independence & freedom for you & your family {or future family!} BUT also feel a calling to give back and help others!
– Want to live by DESIGN: Be your own boss- work when you want, where you want doing what you LOVE!
– COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices in order to spend the rest of your life enjoying long-term success!

If you are reading this & you hear that little voice….and your gut is telling you to GO FOR IT…I want to hear from you! 

I am accepting applications for brand new 2015 LadyBoss Academy. 

If this is something you have been considering, or KNOW you were meant for more - let's team up and get started!! I CANNOT WAIT to help you build YOUR Destiny!!

In 2 years I have franchised myself 2 times and just last week the opportunity 
to franchise myself again for the third time arose.

If you have watched me over the last 27 months then you know that I am very 
serious about my business and have no plans on slowing down.

I am a 2014 TOP 10 ELITE COACH and a SUPERSTAR diamond coach.

And for a VERY limited time you have the opportunity for join my team before 

my third business is opened.

So basically this means that I will be placed under you!!

A top ten coach placed under your business center.

Do you how many people would die for this?

I wish I had a top ten coach under me.... that is for sure!

Volume= income BABY!!

I will be doing a video tomorrow that explains this opportunity in more detail so 
be sure to tune into my A Fit nurse page but, basically if you have ever even 

considered for one small second on becoming a coach... THE TIME is NOW!!!

I even made a new team training site to make sure that YOU benefit from the 

most from this golden opportunity because I want nothing more then to PAY 

THIS FORWARD to other mama's like me.

The clock is ticking so better get a move on. Once it is gone then it is gone til I 

am able to franchise myself again.

I so wish that I could have joined with an opportunity like this!
Or... Email me at afitnurse@gmail.com

((NOTE: Not accepting current coaches as this time. I would LOVE to help EVERY coach, but I have to be a bit picky about where I spend my time... otherwise I think my team and family would abandon me haha I appreciate your understanding! xo ))

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