Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Quick Snack Ideas for Those Busy Days

Quick snack ideas - healthy snacking options.
Snacking is an essential part of staying healthy in the midst of a busy lifestyle, so quick snack ideas are a must. Proper nutrition with minimal effort is key when it comes to quick snack ideas. I suggest planning a chunk of time one day to pack a bunch of snacks for the week. Or, make sure to plan a small amount of time in the evening to pack your snacks for the next day.

Here are my top suggestions for quick snack ideas.

Nuts: A great source of protein, nuts don’t need to be refrigerated and don’t make a mess! Nuts are one of the best quick snack ideas. My favorites are almonds, cashews and walnuts. You can pack them raw or coat them with coconut oil and brown sugar, and then bake for a sweet snack.

Veggies: Obviously veggies are a great way to snack. I suggest pairing them with a protein like hummus to make sure they fill you up. Celery with almond butter is a great match too! Quick snack ideas are all about finding the right combinations of healthy and delicious.

Eggs: Hard boiled eggs are easy to make and a perfect addition to quick snack ideas. They are an awesome source of protein, so add them to your list during the busy season.

Leftovers: Pack up a bowl of leftovers from dinner the night before so all you have to do is reheat and enjoy. Sometimes quick snack ideas are just packing smaller amounts of something you have already made - simple!

Fruit: Quick snack ideas include a plethora of fruits. I like to pair fruits with something else, like apples and cinnamon or bananas and peanut butter. These are great for the afternoon when you just need a bit of sweetness to get through the rest of the day :)

Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese is great to eat plain or you can enhance the flavor by adding fruit, cinnamon, honey or pure maple syrup. Great to eat while answering emails or waiting for the kids to get off the bus.

Lettuce Wraps Quick snack ideas sometimes means wrapping tasty delights in lettuce. You can wrap bacon and tomato for a quick BLT or find a lunch meat with no nitrates or preservatives. I’ll sometimes even wrap up some stir fry from dinner the night before and it is delicious!

Quick snack ideas are essential for a healthy on-the-go lifestyle. Take my ideas and make them your own. Don’t let your busy lifestyle keep you from eating and snacking healthy, stay active and stay strong!

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