Saturday, October 25, 2014

It’s All Yours - Learning How to Manage Time

The face of a clock to encourage people to manage time effectively.

Balancing all the aspects of life to manage time can be challenging. But the cool thing is, your time is all yours! If you just thought to yourself “no it’s not” or “but…” then this blog post is for you! Now, I understand there are some things that happen that you can’t control, but you still get a choice in the time you spend responding to those things. I hope you that you can understand the power you have to manage time by using these simple tips:

  • Use a Planner: It is essential to use a planner to manage time. You will be far less likely to forget about a commitment or accidentally double book. It’s also good to make sure you have a little extra time that is unassigned to prevent getting worn out.

  • Make Lists: Sometimes, a list is all you need to manage time more efficiently. Make sure to prioritize the tasks on your list from most urgent to least urgent. It’s great to track what you have done to get that sense of accomplishment - so cross things off when they are completed! Don’t forget to spend some time looking over and adjusting your tasks every morning so your mind is refreshed and inspired by your goals. If your goals don’t inspire you, maybe it’s time change them.

  • Give Yourself Time Limits and Buffers: Manage time by making little goals throughout the day, like getting half of your list done by 2pm, or a time goal for a particular task. Make sure to give yourself a little cushion of time in between tasks to account for snack breaks, driving, coffee breaks or other daily activities that may take a little extra time.

  • Take Breaks: It is important to be able to take little breaks during the day to avoid stress and wearing out. It’s best to manage time by making sure you can actually enjoy it!

  • Stay Healthy: The healthier you are, the better you feel. Being motivated to get your tasks done is much easier when you have slept enough, properly exercised and have eaten healthy foods. This will take a little extra time but it is totally worth it!

  • Learn to say no: Sometimes, you just have to say no. Don’t be afraid to no in order to manage time better for your life. I can’t stress this enough - to manage time for yourself, say no when you have to!

  • Leave Time for Fun: Don’t forget to have fun! Plan a day at the pool with the family, or devote an evening to taking a bath and reading a good book. It’s difficult to manage time when none of it is spent specifically on you, so indulge!

I will leave you with some wise and thoughtful words about time:

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.

You decide what to do with your time, make sure everything you do is worth it!

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