Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tips for Motivational Goal Setting

Girl running on beach in an effort to attain set goals.

As someone who has been able to set goals to attain them and is always working towards more, I can tell you that setting achievable goals is key. Here are some great tips on how to set goals that will encourage you to complete them!

1) Set Specific Goals: Make sure your goals can actually be measured by making them specific. It’s difficult to be inspired to do abstract things so set goals that have definite outcomes. Figure out exactly what you want - do you want to be a size 8? Do you want to squat 100 pounds? Do you want to adopt one of my goals and enter a bikini contest? Dream it, specify it, go for it!

2) Set Progressions: Setting big goals usually means they are going to take some time and effort. Progressions will help you see how you are doing with your goals and let you adjust your time frame if you need to. A solid idea for setting progressions is using halves - when do you want to be halfway to your goal? You can make as many progressions as you need, so think about them as you set goals.

3) Document Progress: Now that you’ve set goals and identified your progressions, it’s important to document your progress and be inspired by what you have accomplished so far! This can mean taking a picture, writing down a number, charting your work outs, etc. When you can see what you’ve done, you can’t help but be thirsty for more success!

4) Reward yourself: Set goals that give you the opportunity to enjoy the result. You deserve to be rewarded for all your hard work! Obviously, your success is your reward, but sometimes a nice spa day can help too :) If you are really motivated by rewards, give yourself a little reward for each progression - it could be a book, some fancy bath salts or maybe just a fun night out with friends.

5) Share your success: YOU are the motivator! Share all your successes with your friends so they can be inspired by how you set goals and all the hard work that paid off. Take a picture, share a quote or just call up a friend! It’s amazing how many people will be inspired by what you have accomplished, all you have to do is share it. You can start a goal-setting revolution!

6) Don’t Be Afraid: Now you know you can do anything! Don’t be afraid to continue to set goals, giant or small. Goal setting is the foundation of being a Beachbody Coach - we’d love to have you join the team and share your success story with us!

You can achieve whatever you put your mind to! Success spreads like wildfire so following these steps will you help you achieve your goals and be the ultimate example of what hard work and determination can bring. Set goals, track your progress and enjoy your results!

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