Friday, September 19, 2014

Deep Breathing to Upgrade Your Everyday Life

A Fit Nurse practicing deep breathing.

I think we all know that breathing is a good thing - it’s how we live! However, I’ve recently experienced breath in a new way. The simple art of deep breathing takes just a few extra seconds with each inhale and exhale and has a multitude of advantages to increase the goodness of life.

You can do some research to find the scientific evidence of the health benefits of deep breathing (there’s a lot!) but I’d like to share with you what I have personally experienced by putting deep breathing to action as often as possible in my daily life.

Benefits of Deep Breathing From a Fitness Mom’s Perspective:

1) Relaxation: I love what I do and I love my family but sometimes I find myself feeling stressed when something unplanned occurs or there are extra items on the “to do” list. Deep breathing to the rescue! I simply take a few slow, deep breaths and my whole body relaxes - the surge of relief is so therapeutic and I am able to tackle any task!

2) Increased Flexibility: Much like the practice of yoga, I’ve found that deep breathing can actually increase my flexibility while stretching. Breathing in and then letting out a long breath while relaxing into the stretch is much more effective than trying to pull my muscles farther into a stretch when they aren’t relaxed and ready.

3) Increased Strength: Similar to the increase in flexibility, deep breathing can lead to an improved conditioning workout. Sometimes, when I think I’m at the end of a rep, I take a few more deep breaths and am ready to crank out a few more. Deep breathing allows me to do maximum reps for a more powerful workout!

4) Clear Mind: Ever have one of those days where there is so much going on that you develop a bit of a scatter brain? Take a few minutes for some deep breathing and your mind will clear up and stay on point. Nothing like a clear mind to boost that brain power!

5) Better Sleep: Sometimes when I’m laying in bed, I have trouble falling asleep because I’m thinking about the excitement of the day or the anticipation of tomorrow. I take in a few deep breaths and my mind is transformed into tranquility and I am slipping into a deep, restful sleep.

6) Patience: Some people count to 10 when they start to lose patience - I just take 5 deep breaths and I can sustain an attitude of patience, which is a very important thing when you have sweet, little children that still have a few lessons to learn. Super breathing helps me be a super mom!

How to breathe deeply:
Simply breathe in as long as you can, then out as long you can and voila! You have now begun the practice of deep breathing. Incorporate this into your daily life and feel the results right away. Keep it up!

Breathing is a basic life necessity that our body does naturally. However, you can take control and see the change that deep breathing can bring to your life. Happy relaxed living!

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