Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to stay on track with your health and fitness as a busy mom

I have asked myself at least a dozen times this week where the heck this summer has gone!  In the blink of an eye 3 months have passed and now we are getting ready to go back to school.  I am just not ready for this yet!!  But instead of fighting the change I am going to go with it!  CHANGE for anyone is hard, it's exhausting and sometimes frustrating and as a busy woman/mom/business owner the first thing to go is usually ourselves.... R I G H T!!  The one thing I have effectively trained myself to do over the past 3 years is to control my emotional triggers to food and keep myself on track even when the rest of my life feels out of control.  I always look at my fitness and nutrition as the one thing that I can control in a world of unknowns.  I can control what foods I choose to eat, I can control if I pack my lunch and snacks, I can control how much water I drink and I can control the time of day I wake up, go to bed and the choices I make to workout each day. No one can take that away from me.  No matter how jam packed my to do list is each week I put my workout into my calendar like a meeting that I cannot miss.  

 When that alarm goes off in the mornings, I repeat to myself, "I am up" over and over until I can't fall back asleep.  Is it hard?  
FitMom, Stay Fit, Motivation, tips

YES of course it is!  Especially on the nights I go to bed late or the kids wake up in the middle of the night.  But it's a sacrifice I am willing to make because being fit and healthy just feels good!  It releases those feel good endorphins, I have more energy, I like the way my clothes fit and I honestly have a better attitude towards my day when I start with a workout.  I know doing a morning workout is not for everyone, so I encourage you to find time and block it out no matter when that is!!!  

My nutrition is also a key factor in my success and my emotional well being!  The next thing to hit the fan is what I eat when I'm busy.  It is so easy to make excuses for not having time to cook, or my family doesn't like healthy food, or I am a picky eater, or I don't like shakes!  But truthfully, those are all excuses because either you genuinely don't know where to start or you don't want to take the time to figure it out.  So let me be the one to help you figure it out by giving you the steps and the tricks that have worked for me!  

I have decided that this is the perfect time to offer my Busy Woman's Challenge PART 2.  
So maybe you like going to the gym, doing crossfit, or your own workout routine or maybe you like Beachbody workout programs!  No matter what your workout style, you can either choose a program that I suggest or you can continue with your own!  I am offering a 30 day accountability and support group that is going to start with a 3 day refresh or gentle sweep of the old and in with the new! 

Then for the next 30 days starting on September 1st we are going to learn how to plan out your meals, prepare snacks,  make better daily choices, combat emotional eating, and deal with all the temptations and situations you can come across in life as a busy woman!

The focus this month is on meals that are under 30 minutes to make, meals you can prep ahead of time and put in the crockpot, snacks that travel well, road tips, and ways to stay on track when you already have no time.

So what are the requirements?

1.  You must be a customer of mine through my Team Beachbody Site.

2.  You must commit to 30 days of Shakeology starting with the 3 Day refresh.  

Busy Woman's Meal Plan and Accountability Group To Keep you On Track this FallThis comes in a nice little package with free shipping and a discounted price.  You aren't locked into anything at all and you can decide whether you want to make Shakeology a part of your routine after the 30 days or continue with just the new habits you have learned.  Shakeology truly was something  I was very unsure of at first but once I started drinking it for lunch each day and now I switched to breakfast it has kept my cravings for sweets in check, it gives me natural energy to get through my busy day and it gives me convenience when I need to be portable and on the go!  I know exactly what clean eating is and I can certainly maintain my results without shakeology but honestly its the convenience and 1 less meal I have to think about.  It's just a part of my healthy routine and I know my body is getting what it needs in the most natural state.  You should give it a try.  30 days and if you don't like it you can return for a full refund.  What do you have to lose?!

3.  You must be willing to participate daily in our closed online support group. Each day you will get a tip, trick, recipe or suggestion from me and at the end of each day you log in and report your day.  You say on a scale of 1 to 5 how your food was, how your exercise went, did you drink your shakeology and any questions or comments.  This way we keep each other on track and I know how to support you better in your 30 days with me!

I have found that having this type of support and accountability was the missing piece for me. Without others to keep me motivated there were days when it was easy to just slack off! Knowing I have a community of support keeps me going, focused and determined not to let people down.

So, if you are a busy woman, struggling to juggle all your life responsibilities with ease then this is great for you!  I am inviting you to complete the application below to be considered for a spot in this group!

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