Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creating a successful business that fits your lifestyle

When success is your only option it becomes the only thing that you can think about.  TRUE?  No matter if its your fitness journey or its the start of your own business you have this drive, motivation, focus and commitment to truly reaching your goals.  You get your engine all revved up, you dream big, you set goals, you have this fire in your belly that you know some way, some how something great is about to happen to you.  Then you sign up, you become a coach or join a challenge group and you feel on top of the World.
Excited New Coach

Then, it's time to get started!!  (insert oh CRAP button).  You freeze, you get scared, you literally have no idea where to go from here!  There is this flood of emotion that comes surging into your body!Team Beachbody Coach Training

Common thoughts consist of:
  • What if I fail?
  • What if no one wants to join my group?
  • What if I annoy my friends?
  • I don't want to sell people stuff.
  • I am afraid of what others will think of me?
  • I am not at my goal weight.
  • I don't have a lot of friends on facebook.
  • I am shy.
  • I don't know anything about social media.
  • I am not a fitness professional or expert in nutrition.
  • I don't have enough time.
  • I don't have money to get started.
  • I can't possibly do everything that YOU do!
Yes I have heard it all! Trust me, being a leader in Team Beachbody for almost 19 months has brought every single emotion possible either in my own mind or from the mind of my team!  The one thing that consistently holds people back from success is the fear of failure!  It has this truly debilitating control over many people.  I mean people want to be successful in every sense of the word but literally their mind stops them dead in their tracks from moving forward.  TRUST me, I've been there!!!  I know this feeling all to well.  Let me tell you a secret!

I have battled depression and really struggled with anxiety attacks through college and into my early adult career.  It was to the point where I could not leave the house for fear of getting sick.  But through a lot of prayer and focus I was able to overcome this!  The one thing I learned is to ask myself this, "Am I going to die?"  Is this situation fatal?  Truthfully, if I fail what is the worst that can happen? Say your response to those questions OUT LOUD.  It almost sounds silly when you say your irrational fears out loud!  Repeat after me, "I AM AFRAID OF SUCCESS" How crazy is that! Success doesn't happen over night.  Success takes time, its a ladder that you climb one rung at a time. The reason it happens gradually is so that you have time to adjust to the new role, the new feelings and you are able to grow as a leader as your success grows! The only thing we should be afraid of is not trying at all!
Fear of Failure, Motivational Quotes, Fear, Failure, Team Beachbody
Beachbody Coaching

Starting a new business is different from the norm.  The norm in our society is to get a job, work for a boss, complete the job description, collect a paycheck and go home!  But what if you could be the boss, determine your own work hours, build your own company from the ground up, be truly passionate about your days work and be fulfilled in more ways that one from it?!  

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal right?!?!?  To some yes and to others it scares the living daylights out of them.  But that is why there are so many options in the world we live in.  No matter what your personality style is there is a career path that fits who YOU are!  So if you find yourself sitting here reading this asking yourself if you would be good at it then you definitely need to explore the options!!!  

Why?  Because, you don't ever want to wonder if it would of been the right fit for you!  Honestly, if it ends up not being your thing then that is totally ok!  But I believe in giving everyone a fair chance, with proper training, support, accountability and motivation!!!
Fear of Failure, quotes, Team Beachbody, Coach Training, Melanie Mitro

I am about to launch what I call "PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE" live life "BRILLIANTLY" with the Dream Team and it's going to be EPIC!!!  (in the words of my 4 year old)

It's going to kick off with a 5 day sneak peak of what is a Beachbody Coach if you have no idea what coaching is all about.  This is the perfect place for you to ask questions, get answers to the things you don't know and to determine if our style of leadership and business would jive well together. Every day there will be a post and a video of the day to watch.  It will be on topics such as the compensation plan, how did I get started as a coach, how to become a coach when you aren't at your weight loss goal yet, how to coach and have a full time job, ect....

So if want to check this out make sure that I am your coach by going to my site and creating a free profile!  Then request to join the EVENT!!  We will begin on the 16th of July.

If you have been considering becoming a coach or you are just ready to jump right into the game then now is the time!  I am kicking off my Live Life Brilliantly Accelerated Coach Apprenticeship Program on August 4th. 
 I am truly limiting this group to a select few brand new coaches that join MY team are:

-Committed to growing a business that is successful based on your own goals and personal commitment.
-Driven to be successful & are willing to take a risk.
-Dedicated to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals.
-Are looking to earn extra income for themselves and family.
-Are looking to replace an income or make a career change.
-Are truly looking for that passion in life that makes you excited to wake up each day and go to your job!
-Are motivated, driven, caring and committed to putting some skin in the game!

If you feel that you possess the qualities to become a successful coach then I am openly inviting you to complete the application below to be considered for a spot on my team. 

 The spots will fill up fast so don't delay.

The cool part about what I do as a leader is this:

I literally live, breathe, and wake up to help my team!  There is not a day that goes by that I am not thinking of how I can improve my process, my strategy and my teaching to help my team be successful quicker! I want to avoid my team from making mistakes that I made, from learning the hard way or re-inventing the wheel.  I am an open book and I train each and every one of my coaches through my new coach apprenticeship program.  This program is not a cookie cutter, pre packaged training program, it is literally customized to our team, to my teaching style, and delivered by myself!!!  

For the next 60 days you get daily, 24/7 access to myself, my closed online group, weekly mentoring calls and 1:1 calls to help you get started right!

I will teach you the most important daily activities to focus your attention and energy on.  We will discuss how to invite, how to share not sell, how to use social media to expand your market of influence, how to take your every day life and turn it into your business.  How to take your passion for helping others and make a profit.  I am going to give you access to all of my training tools, documents, resources, guides, videos and more.  There is nothing that you will not have access to!
I believe that training and getting started right are the keys to success. 

If you want to be a successful coach, if you want to help inspire others to make a change, if you want to live your life brilliantly every single day then today is your day to take a leap of faith and join our team. 

 Currently we are the #1 team in the entire organization.  We have a wealth of knowledge, information, leadership, support and mentoring to plug in to. There is nothing that you can't accomplish with a family like this!  

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