Monday, May 19, 2014

The Dream Team Elite Retreat

The Dreamers: Elite Retreat 2014 Recap

This weekend I had the opportunity to spend time with 30 fellow coaches in Deep Creek, MD to brainstorm, reflect, and learn from one another.  I feel as though I am in a unique situation sometimes.  Myself as well as a couple other elite coaches, treated our diamond coaches to a free weekend of goal setting, planning, dreaming and relaxing! Who wouldn't love that!

beachbody coaching opportunities
When I started coaching 16 months  ago, I really wasn't even sure what the term coaching meant.  I just knew that I liked the idea of helping others lose weight because I finally was finding success and really loved health and fitness. I had no idea that simply following three vital behaviors would be able to grow my business into what it's become today. Were there bumps, hiccups, and struggles along the way?  Of course!  The key is embracing those setbacks, knowing that what you do truly matters.

Yes, I have designed a career that I am really passionate about- a career that I really don't consider work.  I also have formed incredible relationships with others who have similar goals and aren't afraid to DREAM BIG. As a teacher, it's in my DNA to lead.  I love that what I've learned through being a nurse and applied it to my passion of health and fitness.

what is a beachbody coach
Being a successful coach doesn't mean that you have all the answers or you have your ideal body.  Being a successful coach is more about passion.  It's waking up everyday and seeing transformations.  It's having someone say, because of you I didn't give up.  It's being told that you inspire others, simply because you share what you love.

At the weekend retreat, we spent a lot of time reflecting on our own goals, learning new strategies for growing our business, and how to successfully start new coaches.  Also enjoyed some  (ok, a lot) laughs, an unbelievable view,  some much needed hot tub time and indoor pool, and a lot of stories.  It blows my mind that coaches traveled all over the country to be a part of this event.  I love hearing  how other people found one another.  How Beachbody is changing their lives.

We also learned a lot about our own personalities through Color Codes.  This is an awesome tool that any leader in any organization can use to match what truly motivates us.  You can check it out here. When was the last time you truly thought about who you innately are? What drives you?  What makes you who you are?

All life is about relationships, really.  The success of any endeavor, personal or professional, inevitably comes down to how we relate with others. 

Don't get me wrong.  There was a lot of learning going on, but having the weekend to connect with my team, PROJECT FITnation was one of the best parts of the weekend.  I absolutely love my team and watching them find success. Do you have a career that allows you to always pay it forward?  A career that creates a ripple effect with those encounter?

Instead of naming all the reasons why something won't work, find the reasons it will work.  If you believe you can do it, you will.  Sometimes we need to take a leap of faith.  Sometimes we need to just follow our heart and go for it.  Settling is not you.  You are meant to be extraordinary.

Interested in joining this amazing team and opening windows of opportunity you never DREAMED possible???? Fill out the application below.  

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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