Friday, May 2, 2014

Bikini competition update: 2 and a half weeks to go

Wow!! What a ride these last few weeks have been! I am a competitor by nature! I love to win! I have got so caught up in winning and worrying about the competition that I have not enjoyed the journey. 

My cortisol levels are through the roof and I have not been pleased with anything I do. 

2 days ago I had a reality check with myself....

Was I doing my cardio✅
Training ✅
Meal plan ✅

If i am doing everything then what is my problem here?? Reality check✔ 

Was I doing this for me or for the win???? And that is when I realized I was doing this all wrong!

I was going for the WIN forgetting about the journey. I have pushed myself harder then I have ever pushed before. I have grown and learned so much about my body in the process. But, not for me! For a win!!! {wrong way to approach this situation}

Thankfully I had a wake up call and am stepping back to smell the roses. I may not win the competition but, when I get on that stage it is a win for me! 

I finally have relaxed a bit..., if you know me I never relax. Always going 120%... And look what popped out this morning! 

My lesson from this experience is you must enjoy the journey. It has to be you Vs. you and nobody else.

 Running around with your head cut of worrying about the process is only going to raise your cortisol levels and drive yourself and everyone else around you insane. 

Thankful today for the garden I have planted and the roses in full bloom. 

Nurturing the seeds in life and blooming where I am planted.

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