Friday, April 25, 2014

Bikini Competition update: intolerance to oatmeal and sweet potato scramble

Ahhhh the countdown has begun.... I am now 3 weeks and 2 days till my first bikini competition. My original plan was to do the Pittsburgh pro on May 3rd but, i was not leaning out as quickly as I had hoped.

I have been very diligent with my morning and evening cardio and daily split workout routine but, for some reason i was still very bloated.... My diet is very clean and I currently am only eating a few foods. After looking closer at my diet I decided to remove my favorite breakfast item... oatmeal. I did not know if it would make a difference and not something that I really wanted to do but, I just felt off! I was lethargic, bloated, and I knew that there had to be something that was contributing to my belly bloat.

I love my morning oatmeal so, it was a sad sad day for me when I realized that oatmeal was the culprit to bloating. I have now been without my beloved morning oats for 7 days and I feel great!
I have always had this little intuition that I might be gluten sensitive but, I never have eaten so clean in my life so could never fully pinpoint that would be the issue. Thankfully, they make gluten free oatmeal so I will be giving that I try when my competition comes to the end.

In the meanwhile, I had to find a way to replace my morning oats with another complex carbohydrate. So, Sweet potatoes it is.....

I created this morning masterpiece that is soooo delicious. It is one of those things that you have to try before you knock it!


4 ounces of cooked sweet potato
4 large egg whites

Bake or microwave your sweet potato first til cooked. Then remove the skin. Mash sweet potato and place in pan on the stove. Add in egg whites, and cinnamon. Cook on medium heat til eggs are cooked throughly. 


I am in love with this breakfast and look forward to eating it every morning!

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