Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bikini competition: 5 weeks out

Even at night, beyond the headlights, you know that the road will take you to your planned destination. Goals are no different.. You might not see beyond today, but know that continuing forward on your route will take you to where you want to be.

This is the HARDEST thing that I have ever done physically and mentally. The strength and success learned through long hours in practice is translating to all other aspects of life.

There is only one person in this world who knows your true potential... and only one person who can keep you from achieving that potential: YOU!

Set a clear goal, visualize yourself already attaining it, stay focused, work toward it every day, and believe in yourself!!!

We all have greatness within us!!

5 weeks until I hit the stage for my first NPC bikini competition. I am excited to bring the best me to the stage. 

I will be posting my progress pictures every week so stay tuned for more updated pictures!! 

I can do this!

I will prevail!!

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