Thursday, January 2, 2014

Week 1 P90x3 meal plan and goals for 2014

Happy New Years everyone! Can you believe that 2013 is here and gone! We are already on our second day of 2014 and I have spent the last week on the couch. I was diagnosed with influenza on Saturday and then continued to get sicker so back to the hospital I went... additional diagnosis of pneumonia.

I am getting antsy to get my workouts in again. Especially with my team health and fitness group and my Ripped Resolutions challenge group kicking it into high gear to claim 2014 as the year they kicked all diets to the curb and made it a lifestyle they can live with forever. I started p90x3 before I got sick and was loving all of the workouts. I was burning 300-400 calories in only 30 minutes! You can't beat that right?
p90x3, alyssa schomaker, A fit nurse, motivation, health coach, nurse

I haven't been able to workout since last Friday. So I have spent this time studying the p90x3 nutrition guide also working on some goal setting for my health and fitness in 2014.

The p90x3 nutrition guide is a simple plan to follow and based around intuitive eating. Intuitive eating is the ability to listen to your body cues so that you make the right decisions nutritionally. Think of it as the healthy cousin of impulsive eating. Cravings should be a good thing. An intuitive eater uses them to understand what is lacking in their diet, wether it is carbs, proteins, fats, or even a micronutrient such as iron or sodium. A lack of fat in your diet might have you cravings raw nuts or avocado. A lack of carbohydrates fruit instead of soda.

I plan on completing an entire blog post later this week on the nutrition guide for p90x3 so stayed tuned.

When I made my meal plan this week I incorporated some new menu suggestions from the p90x3 nutrition guide. The meals were quite tasty and even my kids enjoyed them.... winner winner chicken dinner! Here is my P90x3 meal plan for this week:

p90x3 meal plan, p90x3, nutrition, a fit nurse, clean eating, intuitive eating, meal plans,

Do you set health and fitness goals for yourself every year? I am very big on goal setting. I have this obsession with making lists just so I can cross things off. It makes me feel very accomplished. LOL! There are some BIG goals that I want to accomplish this year. But, most importantly is being in tune with my body and listening for when I am pushing it too hard. I am positing my goals here for some accountability! We all need some good old accountability in our lives.

Here are my goals for 2014:

alyssa schomaker, fitness goals, a fit nurse, 2014, motivation, accountability,

I can't wait to get started. First, I have to focus on my health though before my fitness. I will have challenge groups running every two weeks throughout the year. I keep them small for increased accountability so if you want to get rid of the excuses and learn a ton of valuable information while getting in the best shape of your life then be sure to Contact me!
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your inspiration !

    Is this Meal Plan based on P90x3 meal plan A (1500 cal) ?

    thanks !
