Sunday, December 29, 2013

New year New You health and Fitness challenge

Can you believe the holidays have already come and gone? 2 more days and we will be rocking in the New Year of 2014!

2013 has been a very memorable year for me! I was able to quit my job in the hospital and now focus on my love and passion.... health promotion and disease prevention! It has been a wild ride and one that I was initially scared to take but, I dived in with both feet and could not be happier with the changes that occurred from facing my fears and just going all in!

I am so excited and really looking forward to 2014! I have invested a lot of time and energy into improving my health and fitness challenge groups in 2014. A lot of research went into analyzing the current process and after many hours and weeks of analyzing the process I am so proud to say that the final product is complete and ready to go for my 2014 challenge groups!

My first challenge group of the year Ripped Resolutions is full and I cannot wait to watch these individuals change their lives over the next 60 days!

However, with so many individuals contacting me about upcoming challenge groups I want you all to be aware that the next challenge group will be starting on January 13th! I have started a waiting list and if you want to be considered and are ready to go ALL in and make this a lifestyle change then contact me HERE.

new year new you, afitnurse, 2014 fitness goals, 2014 challenge, weightless, clean eating, fitness support, fitness goals
AFitnurse: New Year New You Challenge

So what is this health and fitness group you ask???  Well, it's a program that I have created to help you reach your own personal health and fitness goals.  No long will we say to ourselves, "I will start on Monday."  or "2014 is the last year I resolve to lose weight."  or "No more muffin top."  You are not going to make a new years resolution and then not follow through with it.  I see it all the time.  People start out January 1st strong.  They go to the gym, they eat healthy and week 1 and 2 are great.  But by week 3 and 4 the gym becomes empty and you slide back into your old ways.  February 1st rolls around and you throw up your hands and tell yourself that you are just destined to be this way forever.  You find excuses like you are too busy or something else gets in the way.  OR you go to the gym for a while, didn't see jaw dropping results in the first few weeks and didn't have the support or education to change your  eating habits and eventually bailed out.  Don't let this be you again this year!

fitness goals, 2014 resolutions, health goals, fitness goals, a fit nurse, dreams,
So, the moral of the story is that I am not going to let you do that! The one thing that I love about Beachbody is that they hook you up with a fitness program that meets your needs. There are options for every single person no matter if you are a beginner or you are advanced.  There are options if you are a zumba cardio type person or if you like strength training or fall somewhere in the middle. There are options if you are short on time or if you don't really mind working out for over an hour.  I feel pretty confident that no matter your ability level I can help you choose a program that will meet your needs. 

Now that you have an understanding of the fitness component let's talk about nutrition! Having proper nutrition is the KEY to success! You cannot out exercise a bad diet! I can tell you that I was one of those cardio bunnies that spent hours on the elliptical machine and never saw my body change. I would indulge in fat free foods, 100 calorie snack packs, and was a diet coke junky! It wasn't until I started to educate myself on macronutrients and timing of nutrients that I saw my body transform.  So my job is going to be to teach you how to not diet, but how to create a healthy lifestyle with whole nutritious foods that will not leave you starving at the end of the day!

The last piece is Shakeology  It's not a weight loss shake but instead it's a total meal replacement shake. It's not a protein shake its a well balanced meal that is equivalent to 6 salads in one glass.  It has been the one thing that keeps me full, tastes really good and has saved my rear a thousand times when either I didn't make it to the grocery store or I was in a hurry and needed a quick meal.  What was once a run thru the drive thru is now a shaker cup and a scoop of Shakeology!  I feel better, I look better and honestly it's worth every single penny!  It keeps me healthy and its at least one meal a day that I do not have to think about.  I'm at my weight loss goal now but I still drink it every day because it has everything that my daily multivitamin should have!  

You also get access to a closed online accountability group.  This is where you will have 24/7 access to me as your coach  Everyone starts their workouts on the same day, checks into the group daily and gets my support and guidance. Every day you log into the group and their is either a tip, recipe, motivation or information from me!  I will teach you how to handle everything from creating a meal plan, giving you recipes that your kids and husband will eat, to emotional eating, handling temptations, traveling, eating out, cravings and more!  You will get the entire whole body lifestyle transformation!  All you have to do is commit to the program and finish it!
You are responsible to check in each day and rate your day and post how you did.
So does this sound like something you would like to do?  Are you ready to make a lasting change that isn't a quick fix or crash diet?  Are you ready to truly change your life and your body at the same time? If so then fill out the application below to be considered for my New Year New You Challenge Group starting on January 13th 2014.  Don't delay the last day to register is January 7th, 2014!!!!

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