Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Make 2014 your Year

Make This YOUR Year!

2014 fitness goals, motivation, a fit nurse, goals, success, inspiration, accountability

In the spring of 2006, I decided to take control and start to live a healthier life.  I was about to get married to the love of my life and wanted to look my very best on my wedding day! I had tried every fad diet up until this point... low fat, low carb, starve your self skinny. Basically yo yo'd all over the place for years.  My soon to be husband was very health conscious and somehow it took me to hit rock bottom for him to rub off on me.  I give him a lot of credit for my lifestyle changes.  I finally started to love my self and that is when the gradual changes all started to occur. The negative self talk became less and less and I REALLY started to love me for me! Looking back, I really am sad the way that I treated my body before. I took advantage of my health and all of the miraculous things my body does on a daily basis. 
The started to study about fitness and nutrition and was like a sponge. I just couldn't stop reading, and learning! As a nurse I was already very intrigued by health but, now I couldn't get enough information about fitness and nutrition crammed into my brain. I was so intrigued on how many of today's health ailments can be prevented just by proper fitness and nutrition
This motivated me to make healthier choices and discover new ways of working out.  I took pilates, spinning, and turbo kick. Of course I had my good and bad days, it wasn’t easy to make the changes alone when my hubby made it look so easy.  I told a close friend about my goals and she decided to join me.  We became workout buddies and pushed each other to work hard.  We even trained for our first 10k together.  It was great to have a buddy to do it with and to this day we still keep each other motivated through exercise and healthy eating.  
This year I want you to focus on yourself.  Think about what goals you want to achieve, whether they are related to fitness and nutrition or not, make goals that will have a positive effect on your life.  Get rid of the negatives and be a better you.  I’m very thankful that I had the people in my life who motivated me to change my unhealthy habits and I hope that I can help you in the same way!  Check out my and New Year New You challenge. Start out 2014 strong, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you all:)
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