Saturday, November 30, 2013

Still Hungry after a meal

What to do if you are still feeling hungry after a meal…

hungry after meal, A fit nurse, Alyssa schomaker, food cravings, hungry, success, beachbody coach

Have you ever felt hungry, but you know you’ve eaten enough already? And perhaps you eat more, but it doesn’t really satisfy you? In my experience, sometimes the signals that our body sends to our brain that we interpret as “hungry for food” are actually about finding the correct source of nourishment for that particular time. For example, sometimes I will still feel hungry after a lunch that at another time would leave me feeling quite satisfied. Chances are the answer isn’t about eating more food (although it could be), but one of these three solutions:

1. You are dehydrated. In Western culture, so many of us are too disconnected from our feeling of thirst that we end up merging our thirst and hunger mechanism into the one sensation. They are different things.
Solution? Have a glass of water. You may suddenly feel that “Aha! That’s what I was after.” All is well. This is not about ‘tricking’ your body into feeling full, this is assuming you’ve eaten enough, say, a nice decent bowl of oatmel, or an omelette, but you need something more.

2. You are lacking nutrients.
For many of us, it takes focus to pack in enough green vegetables and fruits into our diet.

Solution? For a powerful nutrient hit, try an all green juice. A nice sweet tasting green juice you can try is 1 bulb of fennel, 1 cucumber and a bunch of mint juiced. Serve over a few ice cubes, and you have a beautiful, nourishing drink. This is particularly great in the morning, as from the word go your body is being energized with pure, alkalizing goodness. Or my simple solution is Vegan SHAKEOLOGY. Chocolate goodness plus over 40 super foods! A nutritional powerhouse!

3. You are in need of good fats.
Solution? Stir a teaspoon or two of organic coconut oil into a cup of green tea. Seriously, I know it sounds pretty messed up, but it works to make you feel completely satiated but in a nice way, not an over-stuffed way.

I hope you find this useful in listening to what your body needs, and making sense of the different signals. Remember, your body is the bible it’s simply your job to listen to the messages it sends!

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