Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stripped down meal plan


The sun is beating down and many of you are probably pulling out those summer clothes. Hopefully you did your homework over the past couple months and are ready to hit the Beach and pools running. However, sometimes are BEST efforts can give sub par results. If you have hit a plateau, need to lose the last 10 pounds, or want a special program to get you looking your best for a upcoming wedding or event then I have an OPTION for you. The  group that I am starting this month is exactly what I did last year to get into the VERY BEST shape of my life!  Everyone should feel their best whether it's vacation season or porchville for you this summer!

On May 20th and June 3rd I will be kicking off a 30 Day Shakeology and Clean Eating Stripped Group.  

This group will run for just that, 30 days!  It is a closed online support group where I will help you develop reachable health and fitness goals for yourself.  We will start out with a week of planning and preparation.  We will discuss using food as fuel, pairing lean proteins with complex carbs to give you energy all day long and discuss the importance of making healthy eating a lifestyle and not a crash diet!

 The point of this 30 day program is to teach you how to strip it down so that you can break a weight loss plateau, trim any excess fat and look your best in 30 days.  This program in conjunction with Shakeology and regular exercise will give you the best bang for your buck!!!  I have done it and I know it works!!


Yes, but what does the challenge entail?

  1.  You must be a member of my Teambeachbody Site.  You can do that clicking HERE  and creating a user name and password.  Then I will contact you to start the process of choosing the right program to meet your needs and answer any questions that you may have about the challenge group. 
  2. Then, together we will pick a discuss your current fitness goals. Note:  Choosing a Beachbody workout is optional for this challenge. Although, I encourage all participants to workout with one of the many Beachbody workouts, it's summer!  I know that many of you may be getting your workouts out of doors!
  3. You commit to replacing 1-2 meals a day with SHAKEOLOGY for the duration of the group.  I require shakeology because it is one meal that you don't have to worry about.  It's the one thing that is going to give you the energy to give your workouts your all, curb your cravings, control your hunger and boost your immune system and keep you the healthiest that you have ever been.  If you choose to discontinue Shakeology after the Challenge that is perfectly fine with me!  But it definitely was the missing piece when I was stripping it down.  Remember, cutting calories usually meals cutting nutrients:  this is exactly why diets don't work!
  4. You are an active participant in the challenge group.  This means that you log into the closed facebook support group at least once a day to see the daily post and to also post your daily check in.
  5. You can request to join the challenge group HERE  I would be happy to answer any questions you have. 

It's only a 30 day commitment and there is a money back guarantee.  I promise you will be changed forever!!

So are you interested in joining the group?  What do you need to do?


1.  Go to HERE and sign up for a free account.



2.  If you have more questions send me an EMAIL and I would be glad to either discuss the program in more detail or give you the directions to sign up.
3.  You can go ahead and purchase your Shakeology by clicking HERE  Then, choose the Shakeology flavor you would like (my favorite is CHOCOLATE) and then the bag or packets.  Personally I think the bag has more in it than the packets so I would go with that option!!!  Then, make sure you choose the HOME DIRECT option.  It will save you at least $15 in shipping.  The good thing is that as your coach I will remind in 3 weeks to either change your flavor, quantity, or to cancel your order. There is no penalty for canceling so it's totally worth the savings!!!  
Once you place your order, MESSAGE ME and I will contact you to set your goals and get you started with the group!!!

I will be giving you weekly meal plans, recipes, tips, motivation and accountability! This group is for those that are ready and willing to take their nutrition and fitness to the next level!!!
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