Saturday, February 2, 2013

Brazil Butt lift Challenge

Making Some Heads Turn in 2013-Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Group!!

WE ALL want a nice round booty, right?! Summer time will be here before we know it and 2013 is the year for us to get the body and booty we have always wanted! Whether you have too much junk in the trunk or you are as flat as a pancake, you can lift, shape and round out that behind so that you can be confident working that bikini on the beach! Brazil Butt Lift is the way! Give it 30 days and see how much your body will change!

Do you love the Victoria Secret models bodies? Guess how they get that round firm booty! Leandro! Check out what supermodel Alessandra Ambrosia has to say:

"Leandro is just the best trainer for my butt—and for my abs, and for everything else—but especially my butt! He came up with this whole workout just for my butt. He's the best."
—Alessandra Ambrosio

You Got It! Brazil Butt Lift!

You wanna know what I love about Brazil Butt Lift?? You can do this program in the privacy of your own home. I hated going to the gym because I felt like I looked like a hot mess. But really, there is no reason to throw your hopes, dreams, and goals out of the window just because you are afraid of the gym!

Look at these awesome results!
Want to join in this CHALLENGE to a beautiful bikini body and a booty that will turn heads?!

Order your copy of Brazil Butt Lift HERE after registering on my site with me as your coach:  If you already have a Beachbody Coach, make sure you check with him or her about any challenges they may have.

You must have a Facebook account. Makes it so much easier to check in! Add me as a friend-

 Once you message me that you want in, I will send you information to join the group.

We will keep each other accountable through a secret group on Facebook. No one can see that you are in the group or what you post, except for us in the group. We will post daily check-ins about our workouts, how we’re doing with our eating, recipe ideas, questions, good days, bad days, any day, every day! You must check in daily! There will also be some weekly challenges.

Along with working out, we are also going to work on making better, healthier food choices. We don't diet. Diets never work. Lol. Lets work on something we can maintain for the rest of our lives/
Schedule a time for your workout everyday. When you schedule ahead, you know when you’re going to workout so there’s no last minute struggle to fit it in– that’s how workouts get missed.
And last thing is – HAVE FUN! Brazil Butt Lift is a super fun workout, incorporating Brazilian dance, cardio, and sculpting moves, but is definitely not a joke when it comes to giving you results!
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